PyTorch Project Template

A template for the development of production-level structured configurable code.

Project GitHub. Year: 2024

The template was originally developed as a part of HSE DLA Course. Currently, it is also the official recommended template for the projects in the Prof. Martin Jaggi’s and Prof. Nicolas Flammarion’s ML CS-433 course at EPFL.

This template utilizes experiment tracking techniques, such as WandB and Comet ML, and Hydra for the configuration. It also automatically reformats code and conducts several checks via pre-commit. It comes with many tutorials in Russian and English,covering the core techniques:

The template is supplemented with example branches showing the application of the template in different tasks. The goal of the template is to enable controllable and clean code development that can be done for any deep-learning task. By understanding the template once, it can be easily applied anywhere. The template is tested by more than 40 students of HSE DLA Course.

It also comes with the guidelines on how to write scientific papers for applied deep learning research.